Previous posts have indicated the importance of repeatable processes in a warehouse environment. As in manufacturing, warehouses must have documented, mistake-proofed processes to get the job done. Right along with those processes, communication on a daily basis makes a warehouse run effiiciently and effectively. At SSMG we have a daily production meeting early in the day. As in manufacturing, this meeting allows us to see total demand in front of us–whether inbound or outbound–so that we know how to allocate resources correctly. One of the differences between manufacturing and warehousing is that warehouses can not control their capcity planning on a long range basis. Each shift brings its own challenges and proper allocations of resources is critical to success.
Some people believe that more people is the answer to all problems. We keep a temp agency readily available when we do need short term help, but that is not as common as it may seem. With our production meeting, we understand the requirement over at least the next week so was can plan. Without this vital communication, we would be dependent on luck to get product shipped or received. Manufacturing or warehousing–communication is absolutely critical to successful operations.